Heroes 3 maps / Shadow of Death


S Defeat everyone Loss of a certain hero

Master of Trees

M Defeat everyone Loss of a certain hero

Adventures of Gelu

L Defeat the monster Loss of a certain hero

Vampire Hunter

S Defeat everyone Lose all your cities and all your heroes

The World Is Small

M Defeat everyone Loss of a certain hero

Yogs Revenge

S Defeat everyone Lose all your cities and all your heroes

Inferno vs Dungeon

S Defeat everyone Lose all your cities and all your heroes

Dungeon and Conflux

M Defeat everyone Lose all your cities and all your heroes

Adventure of Zydar

S Defeat the hero Loss of a certain hero

Devil Master

XL Defeat the hero Not making it in time

Dragon Fire

XL Defeat everyone Loss of a certain hero


S Deliver the artifact Lose all your cities and all your heroes

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