Heroes III:Wiki~Basic knowledge

Card sizes

Each map is created in one or another version of the game, the difference between them is the presence of different additional objects and artifacts.

Size Parameters
Small Small 32x32
Medium Medium 72x72
Large Large 108x108
Very_large Very_large 144x144

Conditions of defeat/victory

In the game, in addition to the standard conditions of defeat (loss of all castles and all heroes), there may be additional conditions of defeat.

Lose everything Lose all your cities and all your heroes
Loss of the city Loss of a certain city
Loss of a hero Loss of a certain hero
Not making it in time Not making it in time

Victory conditions, like defeat conditions, can be standard (destruction of all enemies) or special.

Defeat everyone Defeat everyone
Find the artifact Find the artifact
Recruit creatures Recruit creatures
Collect resources Collect resources
Improve the city Improve the city
Build the Grail Temple Build the Grail Temple
Defeat the hero Defeat the hero
Capture of the city Capture of the city
Defeat the monster Defeat the monster
Capture the homes of all creatures Capture the homes of all creatures
Capture all mines Capture all mines
Deliver the artifact Deliver the artifact

Difficulty of the game

The difficulty of the game is largely determined by the availability of resources, both for the player and for the computer.

  Player resources Computer resources Computer power
(% of maximum)
Easy (80%)
Easy wood ore 30 wood ore 5 50%
mercury sulphur crystal gem 15 mercury sulphur crystal gem 2
gold 30000 gold 5000
Normal (100%)
Normal wood ore 20 wood ore 4 75%
mercury sulphur crystal gem 10 mercury sulphur crystal gem 10
gold 20000 gold 7500
Hard (130%)
Hard wood ore 15 wood ore 15 100%
mercury sulphur crystal gem 7 mercury sulphur crystal gem 7
gold 15000 gold 10000
Expert (160%)
expert wood ore 10 wood ore 15 100%
mercury sulphur crystal gem 4 mercury sulphur crystal gem 7
gold 10000 gold 10000
Impossible (200%)
Impossible wood ore 0 wood ore 15 100%
mercury sulphur crystal gem mercury sulphur crystal gem 7
gold gold 10000

The table shows how many resources of each type (not the total) there will be at the start of the game. The amount of a resource may be greater if the resources are selected as an additional bonus. The computer opponent always has a starting bonus.

The computer opponent has an additional bonus to all resources throughout the game.

Complexity gold wood ore mercury sulphur crystal gem
80% -25% - -
100% - - -
130% - - -
160% +25% +39% +14%
200% +50% +53% +28%

The computer opponent's income is calculated daily for all types of resources and a bonus is accrued to the amount of his weekly income (if there is no income, the bonus is not accrued). The bonus is distributed evenly throughout the week.

Mines and structures

Resources are one of the main components of the game, without them you will not be able to build a building or hire an army. As you already know, there are 7 types of resources in the game, all of them can be divided into 3 groups:

  • of little value;
  • valuable;
  • gold.

The value of a resource is determined by its gold equivalent on the resource market.

Resources Value Name
wood Of little value Wood
ore Of little value Ore
mercury Valuable Mercury
sulphur Valuable Sulphur
crystal Valuable Crystal
gem Valuable Gem
gold Gold Gold

Resources can be obtained in the following cases:

  • pick up on map;
  • capture a mine of the corresponding resource;
  • visit the resource supplying institution;
  • attack a treasure trove of resources;
  • exchange on the market;
  • other methods.

While exploring the map, you may come across piles of resources lying around. Depending on the value of the resource, their number can be as follows:

  • gold - from 500 to 1000;
  • wood ore - from 5 to 10;
  • mercury sulphur crystal gem - from 3 to 6.

Also in the game you can capture a mine of the corresponding resource, in this case your flag will appear above it, and the mine will bring the corresponding amount of resources for the type of mine every day.

Mine Profit
Sawmill Sawmill 2 wood per day
Ore mine Ore mine 2 ore per day
Alchemist's laboratory Alchemist's laboratory 1 mercury per day
Sulfur deposits Sulfur deposits 1 sulphur per day
Cave of Crystals Cave of Crystals 1 crystal per day
Pond of Precious Stones Pond of Precious Stones 1 gem per day
Gold Mine Gold Mine 1000 gold per day

When visiting a mine belonging to another player, it will come under your control, or if the mine is guarded, you will have to destroy the guard first. After visiting your mine, you will have the option to leave guards in the mine.

In addition to the above-mentioned mines, there is also an Abandoned Mine. Before it can start working properly, you need to destroy the troglodytes that have settled in it (100-249). Until the player visits a liberated Abandoned Mine, he does not know what resource is mined in it. The only resource that Abandoned Mines cannot produce is wood.

Resources can be obtained by visiting various objects on the map.

gold Mystical Garden
50% chance to get 500 gold;
50% chance to get 5 gem
Water mill Water mill
Gives 500 in the first week gold;
in other weeks it gives 1000 gold
Windmill Windmill
from 3 to 6 any resources, except wood and gold
Abandoned fire pit Abandoned fire pit
400-600 gold and 4-6 randomly selected resources
Hovel Hovel
from 1 to 5 any resources, except gold.
Shipwreck debris Shipwreck debris
25% chance to get 5 wood;
25% chance to get 5 wood and 200 gold;
25% chance to get 10 wood and 500 gold;
25% chance to find empty wrecks


Market - allows you to exchange resources. The more markets you have built in your cities, the more favorable the exchange rate. Two markets reduce the standard price of a resource by 20%, three - by 33%, four - by 43%, five - by 50%, six - by 56%, seven - by 60%, eight - by 64%, nine - by 67%. More markets do not provide additional discounts.

Exchange Number of markets
from to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
wood ore wood ore 1/10 1/7 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2
mercury sulphur crystal gem mercury sulphur crystal gem 1/10 1/7 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2
wood ore mercury sulphur crystal gem 1/20 1/13 1/10 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/4
mercury sulphur crystal gem wood ore 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1
wood ore gold 25 37 50 62 75 88 100 112 125
mercury sulphur crystal gem gold 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
gold wood ore 2500 1667 1250 1000 833 714 625 556 500
gold mercury sulphur crystal gem 5000 3333 2500 2000 1667 1429 1250 1111 1000

Travel by land

When moving on the ground, the hero's speed depends on SCS - Slowest Creature Speed. Heroes do not use fractional numbers to store their parameters at all, the movement reserve is calculated in units, originally called movement points or MP. Here is the correspondence table:

SCS Movement points (МР)
0 1300
1 1360
2 1430
3 1500
4 1560
5 1630
6 1700
7 1760
8 1830
9 1900
10 1960
11 and up 2000

One step horizontally (vertically) on untouched terrain (grass, earth, etc.) costs 100 MP, diagonally - 141 MP (the exception is the last step, if the hero has at least 100 MP, he will be able to go diagonally).

Heroes who have previously been dismissed or lost a battle (escape and surrender do not count) have a base movement pool of 2000 MP on the day they are hired. Heroes without creatures have a base movement pool of 2000 MP.

Heroes with the Logistics specialty receive an additional bonus, which depends on the bonus of the secondary skill and is calculated using the formula:

[Logistics Bonus]*[Hero Level]*0.05

Level Bonus
Base 10%
Advanced 20%
Expert 30%

Movement on water

The hero's basic movement on water depends on the secondary skill "Navigation" (100 MP is spent on one movement):

Level Movement points (MP) Bonus (MP)
No 1500 0
Base 2250 +750
Advanced 3000 +1500
Expert 3750 +2250

Heroes with the Navigation specialty receive an additional bonus that depends on the secondary skill bonus and is calculated using the formula:

[Movement - 1500]*[Hero Level]*0.05

Opening a map

Almost the entire map is hidden under the "fog of war" after the game starts, but there are some factors that allow you to explore areas covered by fog:

When the hero moves, he opens 5 cells of the map around himself.

Having the artifacts Spyglass and Mirror allows you to open another +1 slot, and if the hero has these two artifacts at the same time, the number of additional slots is summed up and is +2 slots. Two identical artifacts do not double this bonus.

Having the secondary skill "Reconnaissance" allows you to additionally increase the viewing range by +1 cell for each level of this skill.

Visiting the Redwood Observatory and the Pillar of Fire will open up 20 tiles around the structure.

Spending Movement Points (MP)

Moving horizontally and vertically costs 100 MP, diagonally - 141 MP (100 * 21/2). Visiting objects also counts as moving. The exception is "re-visiting" [Space] - in this case, moves are not spent. This concept includes Castles, mines, friendly heroes, teleports/whirlpools, treasuries, quest houses, etc. If a hero visits Swan Pond, he loses the rest of the move (if the Pond bonus is still active, re-visiting does not result in a move being lost).

If the hero gets into a boat or lands on the shore, he loses the rest of the turn. The exception is if the hero has the Admiral's Hat artifact - in this case, the water/land move reserve is recalculated into the land/water move reserve. The cost of boarding is 100 MP when moving straight, 141 MP when moving diagonally.

The hero loses the entire turn to dig up the Grail. Digging up the Grail on the day of arrival at the future excavation site is not allowed.

Influence of the terrain

Passing through certain areas costs several times more/less MP than passing through grass. When passing through such areas, every 100 (141) MP spent per step is multiplied by a corresponding coefficient, which depends on your hero's Pathfinding skill.

Зависимость штрафа/бонуса, который получает герой при передвижении по местности от вида почвы и уровня развития вторичного навыка "Поиск Пути" можно увидеть в следующей таблице (указано для случая, когда в армии героя имеются войска, ландшафт для которых не является родственным). Для определения длины хода необходимо стартовую величину в MP разделить на данные указанные в таблице. Очевидно, что имеются типы почвы, которая не несет никаких штрафов при передвижении (если 100%), также некоторые снижают длину хода (если больше 100%), дороги увеличивают длину хода (если меньше 100%).

Calculating damage inflicted in battle

After clicking on the rider's figure, you can use magic, and also flee or surrender to the enemy if things are bad. In both cases, the hero flees the battlefield and can be hired again with all his artifacts (magic points are not restored). Only in the case of flight, all his troops are lost, and when hired, he will have one tier 1 unit corresponding to the hero's class, and when surrendering, he keeps the army, paying the enemy part of its monetary value. You can flee only outside the city, surrender - only to the enemy hero. At the beginning of each week, the heroes available for hiring in castles change. Therefore, do not delay in buying out the desired hero. In addition, if more than two heroes flee or surrender in one turn, they will also be lost by you.

The number of enemy units killed during an attack depends on the damage inflicted by the attacking unit; during an attack, this value is written at the bottom of the screen. You can find out the number of killed by dividing the Damage by the number of health points of the attacked units. In this case, the whole part of the resulting number is the number of killed units. The remainder of the division accumulates, i.e. the unit becomes "wounded". It should be noted that Trolls and Vampire Lords can "recover" damage - wounded Trolls at the beginning of the turn, and Vampire Lords - when they kill an enemy.

There are four main parameters that determine the amount of total damage D(sum) that your unit can inflict on the enemy:

Your unit's base damage D(bas), expressed in hit points (HP);

The base damage modifier MD(bas), which depends on the comparative characteristics of the Attack value of your unit and the Defense of the victim, is expressed in hit points (HP);

The attack modifier M(of), which depends on the presence and level of your hero's secondary Attack skills, is expressed in hit points (HP);

The luck modifier M(luck), which is manifested in the case of a Luck roll in the current round of combat. (Note: we do not consider the Morale roll, since this is simply an opportunity to repeat the move in the current round of combat and the calculation of the total damage in this case is done separately).

All other modifiers, which include all sorts of spells, hero and unit specializations, only modify one or more of the above parameters.

Your unit's base damage

Each unit has a certain damage range [Dmin;Dmax] within which the base damage will be randomly taken to calculate the total damage value. The value is randomly selected in each combat round.

There are two spells that can affect base damage:

Blessing - All units deal a fixed base damage equal to Dmax [or Dmax+1 for advanced/expert magic];

Curse - All units deal a fixed base damage, which is equal to Dmin [or 0.8*(Dmin-1) for advanced/expert magic]. However, the damage dealt by a unit cannot be less than 1 HP.

Base Damage Modifier

If the attack is greater than the defense.


If the attack is less than the defense.


Attack modifier
